Lust Have It! June 2014


Let’s try this again. WordPress updated and all of a sudden I have no idea how to post things. I feel like I’m just starting out again! I’m realising that I need to start having a stockpile of draft posts that I can post when life gets away from me, because this week time has gotten away from me and I just have not had any time to post! Even though I have photos for at least three posts, ready and waiting to be written.

I received my Lust Have It! June box yesterday… the 3rd of July. Late, again. My first thought when I took the package out of my mail box (you know it’s on the small side when it fits in your mail box) I wasn’t even sure what it was but I wasn’t expecting anything else, so I figured it had to be it.
When Anthony gets home from work and I’ve received a box that day I always love telling him about it (I get excited about these ok!) and when I was showing him the contents even he was saying “wait… that was it!?” I feel like that says something all by itself.

This is what it looked like as soon as I took it out of the post bag.



And here is the details card. At first glance I have to say, the whole thing looks a little ‘meh’, but maybe that’s just me. Click the image for a larger version that you can read!



Teez Trendy Cosmetics Nail Polish $18 (full size)
The colour is a red/brown that I’m not the hugest fan of. It’s not horrible, but it’s not great, it kind of goes with my overall feelings of the box… ‘meh’.
I have to note though, the packaging is super cute. Potentially unnecessary, but super cute.
It claims that it won’t chip for three days. I put on two coats (it probably needed three, but I was low on time) yesterday when I received the box and can already see some small signs of wear and very small chips on the tips of my nails and it’s only been a day. So I’m not sure about it not chipping… maybe if I’d put on the extra coat I’d have a better chance. What I did really love about the polish, and what would make me buy it if it weren’t a whopping $18, is that it dried super fast. I have a real problem with impatience when it comes to painting my nails. I love them to look pretty, but I hate waiting for them to dry because I find they take a long time to fully dry properly, so that I don’t smudge them. This polish was amazing for this. I put on two coats almost one after the other about half an hour before I left the house and was totally fine to go about my business and bump and knock my nails to my hearts content! So if you have that problem, this may be a polish worth looking into.

PicMonkey Collage

John Plunkett Glyco Peel $29.95 (full size)
This says it’s ‘clinical strength’ and contains ‘25% glycolic acid’. It’s meant to keep your skin looking ‘young and refreshed’ but I don’t think I’ll be trying this product. I mean I have absolutely no idea what glycolic acid is, but it sounds intense. The fact that it’s ‘clinical strength’ also makes me wary. I mean I’m sure that for some people that’s exactly what they need, but my skin isn’t really bad enough that it needs something this intense right now. I’m a huge fan of the natural as you’ll notice on previous posts!




La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo $27.95
I received this in the June Bellabox which arrived two weeks ago and was definitely my preferred box this month. I won’t rant on about this again, but the size of the sample bothers me, as well as the brand. I’ve had a few samples from this brand and find they just generally don’t do a lot.


Orly Mini Nail Files $1.95 & Toe Separators $4.95 (full size) (not available where the card lists them)
This product… just seems like a bit of a pointless filler product. I have a packet of mini nail files like this that are just a random advertising product and while they’re handy if you’re absolutely desperate, they’re not great. They’re not hard like others, they’re quite spongy which I find makes them hard to use to file your nails. They do look pretty cute, there’s a few of them in the packet that you ‘tear’ off, so there is that. The toe separators… why!? I don’t know a single person who actually uses toe separators. I personally find them terribly uncomfortable, but maybe that’s just me. Please let me know if you love these because I’d love to think there’s someone out there that doesn’t find them as pointless as I do.



Nuxe Cream Nirvanesque $49.95 & Cream Nirvanesque Eye Contour $44.95
Even Anthony knows by now that I hate samples in sachets. They just irritate me. I like to be able to use a product at least twice to know if it actually works, and works for me, or not. So I feel a little bad, but this product was dismissed slightly as soon as I opened the package and saw them. They’re meant to help with lines and dark circles, which is another reason why my care factor for these is pretty low because as a 20-something year old I can’t say that I have a lot of lines yet! I might give the Eye Contour a shot though, because I do have some pretty mean dark circles right now because I have not been sleeping this week!


Hello Fresh $30 Gift Card
I got one of these in another box (I don’t remember which) and I lost it and was kind of bummed because it sounded good… so I’m excited to have another. I am worried there’s going to be a catch though when I get on the website and order. Scratch that, I just jumped on the website and had a click around… the catch is that every box ends up costing you at least $60… Bummer! If only I knew where my other card was…


And of course, there’s the cosmetic bag that we also received last month. One or two is great (I mean they’re plastic so they could potentially break pretty easily) but after that… not so much. I’ll probably be keeping it for my future giveaway (I need to get to 150 facebook likes first!) so look out for that!



I hope you guys have had a splendid week! Congratulations, you’ve officially reached another Friday night! Let me know what you have planned for the weekend! I’ve got a 21st and then an interstate friend coming to stay, hooray!

Follow me on…



How to fix a broken nail… with a tea bag!


I don’t know about you, but discovering I have a broken nail, especially like the one above that seems almost impossible to fix, is a huge pain in my butt. Part of this reason that this bugs me so much is actually just that it ends up hurting a lot! I find that my nails get caught on things and slowly pulled off my finger… ouch!

So, when this happened recently I decided to declare war on my broken nail. You should have heard me, I must have sounded like I was trying to be Tarzan or something! Such a cry of frustration!

So I got googling and pinteresting and found this amazing and super simply solution! I really didn’t think it’d be something I’d be able to fix in 5 minutes using what I had around the house, but I did!

And all it really took was a base coat (I used a nail strengthener because my nails are so weak right now) and a tea bag!


The above is everything I used to do my nails! I’ll pop some links and product details at the bottom of the post 🙂

You can see in the very first picture where the break was in my nail. Not ideal.

All you need to do to fix it, is paint the nail with the base coat and while it’s still dry, use some tweezers to pop a small piece of a tea bag on top, then paint over!


Easy peasy! I still can’t get over the fact that a little piece of tea bag could do that.

Now this was my first attempt so I think a second attempt would probably result in a smoother application, but for a first effort I reckon it’s pretty damn good!

I painted over it and it was barely noticeable.


(Please excuse my rushed and not-so-neat job…)

What was a bonus is that after this I ended up smudging most of the nails (I was way too eager to get the dishes done) and as such had to take all the polish off and start again.

Simply by being careful and not over-doing it on the nail polish remover, I managed to save the patch! I then put another coat of nail hardener and it’s flattened out a lot!

So basically, I classify this as a major life win, haha.

Catch you later lovelies!


Products used:

Hardener: Sally Hansen Nail Rehab 

Hand Cream: Vaseline Healthy Hands nail strengthening nourishing hand lotion

Nail Polish Review: Sinful Colors (in Feeling Great) and Nicole by O.P.I


I was chilling on Pinterest the other day (I feel like that’s how I’m going to start a lot of my posts, haha) and came across another nail polish idea pin. Usually, I tend to veer away from pink… well pink anything really. Especially if it’s your stereotypical pink like the one above. That being said, I don’t know if it was how amazingly shiny and smooth this picture looked or if it’s because I was sick, but I realised that I actually had colours that matched those in the photo, so I did my nails. 



On the left, you’ll see my screen cap of the pin and on the right, my take on it. 

The important thing to realise, however (and this is where the review part comes in!) is that the photo of my nails on the right is day 3! Not a single chip in sight! Can anyone say miracle?

I actually got both of these nail polishes (the small silver one is a sample size) out of a Lust Have It! box (save $5 off your first box by clicking that link!) a while ago and the pink one I had never tried until now, and boy am I regretting that! I’m in love! I’m not the hugest fan of pink still, but the fact that it hasn’t chipped yet is more than enough reason for me to put up with pink 😉 

What’s even better is that the Sinful Colors polish is really reasonably priced! It doesn’t look like the right colour on the Priceline website, but I promise it is. If you’re in America, buy it on Amazon for $5! Reasonably priced and good quality? I’ll take that!

The silver one by O.P.I I have found to be really great for feature nails or small details and adding a little bit of sparkle to nail designs rather than using it to paint a full hand of nails, because it really is quite shiny. I’m not too sure what colour this one is, but go here to view the full range! It’s O.P.I, it’s not like you can go wrong really.

So basically, 10/10 would recommend! I’m so excited that they haven’t chipped yet. 


A quick note on content: I haven’t decided yet how often I’m going to be posting content. I have a lot of ideas at the moment and I’m pretty excited so it might be quite often for the next week or so, but I’ve also got an assignment for Uni in the works so I’m going to attempt to not procrastinate that, haha.