Wallet Watching Wednesday – Top 10 Money Saving Tips


Welcome to our second Wallet Watching Wednesday! I’m so excited! Nat’s got some great tips and tricks coming up for this link up and the next, so definitely go and check out her blog. I’m hoping that as the weeks go by this little community we’re trying to create grows and encourages!

Link up with us below and check out the other posts!


This week, I’m sharing my 10 best money saving tips!

1. Buy used, save the difference.
I got this saying off the show 19 Kids and Counting – it’s one of Jim Bob Duggar’s favourite sayings. (Not looking to start a debate on their beliefs or anything – but I KNOW I’m not the only one who watches it haha). The basic idea is that if you buy things second hand or from op shops, you save the difference between what you paid and the brand new price. Which sometimes turns out to be a huge difference! I wrote a post about getting more bang for your buck while Op Shopping – check it out here!

2. Shop smart, eat smart.
 I won’t waffle on about it again because I’ve said it time and time again, but a big place to save money is the grocery store. Go here for my 5 tips on saving money on groceries.

3. If you don’t need it, sell it.
Over the years, a combination of moving around a few times (and having to keep all my belongings in 1 bedroom) and having a minimal amount of money has caused me to only have what I need. If I don’t need it, if it’s excess, I get rid of it. One of the best ways I’ve found to do this is to sell things on Facebook! Sometimes things don’t sell and that’s fine, because giving things to op shops is a great way to support local charities, but for bigger items it’s great to be able to sell them!

4. Only take what you want to spend.
If you have a problem with spending more than you intend to each time you set foot in a shop, try using cash and only taking enough for what you need to buy. That way you avoid any impulse purchases, because you simply can’t buy anything extra!

5. “Do I need this?”
This question goes hand in hand with number three, and applies both to what you have and what you buy. I ask the question “do I really need this” whenever I’m sorting through things in our home and deciding what to keep and what to toss. I ask the question “do I want this or do I need this” when we’re out shopping. Especially when we’re grocery shopping. Sure, buy some snacks! Everyone needs snacks sometimes, don’t feel guilty about things like that! But factor those into your grocery list and leave it at those items. If you only go into stores with a purpose, you’re a little less likely to buy things you want but don’t need. (This doesn’t mean you don’t buy yourself the occasional treat – treating yourself occasionally is important).

6. Look after your belongings
When you look after things, they last! Maintaining cars keeps them running and keeps you from having to buy a new one! Teaching your kids to look after their toys keeps you from having to replace toys over and over and over. Obviously things wear out (especially when they’re around kids) and wear and tear is a normal part of family life, but sometimes it’s avoidable! My parents brought me up to take care of my toys like they were a liquid gold because they didn’t have a lot of money to buy me a lot of toys, and I really appreciate it in a lot of ways, because I feel like it makes me more aware of what I have, and more grateful.

7. Know your prices
Know what things cost, or shop around before you make purchases, especially large purchases. If you know the price of items you purchase regularly, you’ll know when you’re getting a good deal! 

8. Online initiatives
I’m not too sure about American sites (though I know they’re out there) but there are some great apps and sites in Australia that’ll help you save money. Check out OzSale (on iPhone, android and online) for sales on pretty much anything you could think of. Beauty products, clothes, homewares, gifts. You name it, they’ll eventually have it on sale! Another similar app is Catch of the Day (on iPhone, android and online) which also features food savings. Catch of the Day has 2 sister apps/sites called Mumgofor everything a mum could ever need, and GroceryRun which is exclusively food. I have a friend who got me onto GroceryRun recently who makes a purchase about once a month to stock up, and ends up saving almost the same amount she spends. This is also great for buying in bulk.
It’s also worth searching ‘{brand name/store name} discount’ or ‘coupon’ when you’re shopping online, as sometimes you’ll find a random code to enter at the checkout that’ll get you 20% off or something similar.

9. Carry a water bottle
Carrying a water bottle around is great for your health, too! When you’re out and about, you’re not going to need to stop and buy a drink (which will most likely be extremely over-priced) if you’ve got water with you! It will also help you avoid soft drinks and other unhealthy options. It’s also worth carrying a museli bar or something similar as well, then you’re not going to be tempted to buy extra snacks while out. Again, good for your pocket and good for your health!

10. Grow your own!
This is something I’m yet to start, but it’s a work in progress! If you head over to Nat’s blog at Home Sweet Kitchen Garden you’ll see heaps of posts about her home harvest and it’s so inspiring! Fresh fruit and veggies can really add up and send your grocery bill through the roof. If you can make it or grow it instead of buying it, all power to you! Go you! Please, share your tips!

photo credit: Alan Cleaver via photopin cc

Below you’ll find the link up for this week! Don’t be shy, share the knowledge!

Follow me here (or here on Bloglovin’) and follow Nat at Home Sweet Kitchen Garden blog for more frugal finds!
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Op Shop Secrets – How to Get More Bang for your Buck

Op Shop Secrets - How to Get More Bang for your Buck


I’ve had quite a number of people reading this post and some have pointed out that in some ways it’s come across as though I’m trying to rip off charity-run Op Shops, so I just thought I’d clarify some things 🙂 In the past I have very gratefully received help from various charities (like the Salvos) when I’ve been in quite a spot with my family financially, and I would never ever want take profit away from them. The only time I would barter in a charity-run Op Shop (though I think it’s important to note that not all are charity run) is if the item was damaged (as mentioned above) or is just plain too expensive and that generally only happens if I’m buying something to keep in my home. 

As for the recycle centre we visited, it is run as a private business. They’re paid by local residents to collect their unwanted items off the side of the road, they then go through the items and sell those that are in good condition. Sometimes they have things donated, but the business is run as that, a business. It’s a helpful way to get rid of excess stuff for some people. 

If I have caused any disrespect I would like to apologize because I certainly didn’t mean any, and know that those people that volunteer in Op Shops are doing a service to the community.


A couple of days ago I went on an op-shop trip with a friend of mine who absolutely loves re-purposing, refurbishing and recycling old things! She’s an Op Shop Aficionado! Her Facebook page, REED, is full of lovely finds that she’s re-done and given some love so go and check it out, like her page and definitely check out her Ebay for some great buys!

She’s been in the area a lot longer than me and knows of some really great op shops and she took me to 3 while her son was at kinder and it was so much fun! I love where I live because I live in the outer suburbs, so I’m really close to some of the great almost-country towns.

I’ve noticed there’s some really great ways to get a bargain so I figured I’d share my secrets with you! And share some secrets I’ve picked up from others along the way, haha.

Number one! Location, location, location!
If you live anywhere near a country town, or a small town that’s a little out of the way and doesn’t receive a large amount of visitors, sometimes you can find the best stuff in those places! The first two places we went were a little out of the way, and they were treasure troves, especially the first one! It wasn’t specifically an Op Shop, it was a recycled center at a tip of all places, but there was so many amazing things!
Nat got an amazing old school desk that she’s going to do up, and an old ladder that she might turn into a book shelf. I bought a scythe for the fiance, because he loves stuff like that and my goodness he was excited! What was even better, is that it cost me $2! Location affects quality, as well as price.

Number two! Bartering is your friend.
Don’t be shy inquiring about the price. The recycle place we went to didn’t have prices on anything, it was kind of just whatever the guy running the place made it. Which was actually a really great opportunity to barter, and a great opportunity to get a lower price for multiple items.
I’ve found that sometimes, even in small Op Shops in larger towns, that if you ask about the prices sometimes they’ll knock a dollar or two off if you’re buying more than one item.

Number three! Be wise!
Set yourself a limit! Don’t go buying excess. The trick with Op Shopping is getting what you need at a lower price than you would normally, getting something you can’t find in stores (aka antiques) or getting something for a low price that you know you can sell for a profit. Also, set yourself a spending limit. Nat has a wallet that she has specifically for Op Shop trips and I think that’s a great idea. I’m aiming to have one too, that I only put money from selling things into, so I’m only spending profit to make profit. (I’m aiming to do this with craft projects as well. I want to start making some jewellery and other stuff and sell it for something to do and a way to make some extra money!)

Number four! Two is better than one.
Take a friend! It really is so much more fun, and it’s great to have someone to bounce ideas off. It helps make you think about your purchase a little more, and in my case you’ll learn a lot because Nat, as I already said, seriously knows her Op Shopping!

Number five! Friends forever.
Return to your favourite places. Interact with the staff! Make friends! This can also help you with prices in the future, people who are familiar with you are way more likely to give you discounts.

Number six! Venture out. 
Whenever you get the chance to thrift in a different suburb or place, do so! If you’re on holiday, check out the local thrift stores! You never know what you’ll find. As I said in the first point, location affects product and price.

Number seven! Frequency is key.
Product rotates in and out of these places so fast sometimes, if you’re really wanting to be a serious shopper it’s worth going in every week or so. This also helps with point five, because people everywhere love regulars!

Number eight! Take advantages of discounts.
If you’re in Australia, you can get a discount if you bring a bag of clothes to donate into Savers stores! In Salvos stores they tend to have a certain coloured tag half price each week. I’ve found it’s more often chain Op Shops that have sales, but you shouldn’t disregard the chain stores! Just because they’re a chain doesn’t mean they won’t have anything. It really does go back to location, location, location!


Most importantly though, have fun guys! That’s really what it’s all about. If you’re not passionate about something like this, it’s not worth putting a huge amount of money or effort into it! You don’t want to waste your time when you could have been doing something you love. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have to find something great every time. Enjoy your trips!

So tell me, what’s been your best thrift store find? Where’d you find it?

