Wallet Watching Wednesday – Top 10 Money Saving Tips


Welcome to our second Wallet Watching Wednesday! I’m so excited! Nat’s got some great tips and tricks coming up for this link up and the next, so definitely go and check out her blog. I’m hoping that as the weeks go by this little community we’re trying to create grows and encourages!

Link up with us below and check out the other posts!


This week, I’m sharing my 10 best money saving tips!

1. Buy used, save the difference.
I got this saying off the show 19 Kids and Counting – it’s one of Jim Bob Duggar’s favourite sayings. (Not looking to start a debate on their beliefs or anything – but I KNOW I’m not the only one who watches it haha). The basic idea is that if you buy things second hand or from op shops, you save the difference between what you paid and the brand new price. Which sometimes turns out to be a huge difference! I wrote a post about getting more bang for your buck while Op Shopping – check it out here!

2. Shop smart, eat smart.
 I won’t waffle on about it again because I’ve said it time and time again, but a big place to save money is the grocery store. Go here for my 5 tips on saving money on groceries.

3. If you don’t need it, sell it.
Over the years, a combination of moving around a few times (and having to keep all my belongings in 1 bedroom) and having a minimal amount of money has caused me to only have what I need. If I don’t need it, if it’s excess, I get rid of it. One of the best ways I’ve found to do this is to sell things on Facebook! Sometimes things don’t sell and that’s fine, because giving things to op shops is a great way to support local charities, but for bigger items it’s great to be able to sell them!

4. Only take what you want to spend.
If you have a problem with spending more than you intend to each time you set foot in a shop, try using cash and only taking enough for what you need to buy. That way you avoid any impulse purchases, because you simply can’t buy anything extra!

5. “Do I need this?”
This question goes hand in hand with number three, and applies both to what you have and what you buy. I ask the question “do I really need this” whenever I’m sorting through things in our home and deciding what to keep and what to toss. I ask the question “do I want this or do I need this” when we’re out shopping. Especially when we’re grocery shopping. Sure, buy some snacks! Everyone needs snacks sometimes, don’t feel guilty about things like that! But factor those into your grocery list and leave it at those items. If you only go into stores with a purpose, you’re a little less likely to buy things you want but don’t need. (This doesn’t mean you don’t buy yourself the occasional treat – treating yourself occasionally is important).

6. Look after your belongings
When you look after things, they last! Maintaining cars keeps them running and keeps you from having to buy a new one! Teaching your kids to look after their toys keeps you from having to replace toys over and over and over. Obviously things wear out (especially when they’re around kids) and wear and tear is a normal part of family life, but sometimes it’s avoidable! My parents brought me up to take care of my toys like they were a liquid gold because they didn’t have a lot of money to buy me a lot of toys, and I really appreciate it in a lot of ways, because I feel like it makes me more aware of what I have, and more grateful.

7. Know your prices
Know what things cost, or shop around before you make purchases, especially large purchases. If you know the price of items you purchase regularly, you’ll know when you’re getting a good deal! 

8. Online initiatives
I’m not too sure about American sites (though I know they’re out there) but there are some great apps and sites in Australia that’ll help you save money. Check out OzSale (on iPhone, android and online) for sales on pretty much anything you could think of. Beauty products, clothes, homewares, gifts. You name it, they’ll eventually have it on sale! Another similar app is Catch of the Day (on iPhone, android and online) which also features food savings. Catch of the Day has 2 sister apps/sites called Mumgofor everything a mum could ever need, and GroceryRun which is exclusively food. I have a friend who got me onto GroceryRun recently who makes a purchase about once a month to stock up, and ends up saving almost the same amount she spends. This is also great for buying in bulk.
It’s also worth searching ‘{brand name/store name} discount’ or ‘coupon’ when you’re shopping online, as sometimes you’ll find a random code to enter at the checkout that’ll get you 20% off or something similar.

9. Carry a water bottle
Carrying a water bottle around is great for your health, too! When you’re out and about, you’re not going to need to stop and buy a drink (which will most likely be extremely over-priced) if you’ve got water with you! It will also help you avoid soft drinks and other unhealthy options. It’s also worth carrying a museli bar or something similar as well, then you’re not going to be tempted to buy extra snacks while out. Again, good for your pocket and good for your health!

10. Grow your own!
This is something I’m yet to start, but it’s a work in progress! If you head over to Nat’s blog at Home Sweet Kitchen Garden you’ll see heaps of posts about her home harvest and it’s so inspiring! Fresh fruit and veggies can really add up and send your grocery bill through the roof. If you can make it or grow it instead of buying it, all power to you! Go you! Please, share your tips!

photo credit: Alan Cleaver via photopin cc

Below you’ll find the link up for this week! Don’t be shy, share the knowledge!

Follow me here (or here on Bloglovin’) and follow Nat at Home Sweet Kitchen Garden blog for more frugal finds!
Like Grace in the Little Things & Home Sweet Kitchen & Garden on Facebook for even MORE updates and handy tips!
Be kind and share the love and read some of the other great tips on how to save money and leave a comment on the blogs that you visit to let them know you were there!

Click the adorable little widget below to view other’s links and add your own!




Wallet Watching Wednesday Link-up – 10 Tips on Buying & Selling Things on Facebook!


Welcome to our first ever Wallet Watching Wednesday Link-up! How exciting!

This idea sprang from a deep desire to save money (and sometimes make money) wherever possible, because money really doesn’t grow on trees! Which is probably a good thing because I’m not known for my gardening skills, haha.

Feel free to link up your favourite money saving tips below, we’d love to hear them! Don’t forget to check out tips from other blogs as well, sharing is caring!



Today, I’m going to let you in on what I feel is my little secret saving option. Online shopping isn’t really something that’s news to people anymore, and neither is Op Shopping! There’s pros and cons to both as I’m sure you’re all aware (I even wrote about Op Shopping the other week!), but a couple of months ago I discovered something that I feel combines the ease of online shopping with the brilliant bargains you’d find in an Op Shop!

Buying and selling on Facebook! 

Now you might be thinking ‘wait a second… who’s going to want to buy my stuff? I don’t want to bug my friends with that!’ but that’s the beauty of it. You don’t have to! 

I don’t remember how I stumbled onto them, but most areas these days have local buy, swap & sell groups which are great ways to sell things you don’t need anymore (especially if you don’t have enough for a garage sale, but have enough that you really want to get rid of), or pick up things you do need at a really great price!

As much as I adore op shops, seriously… I will never stop singing the praises of op shops, I’ve found that for items that you’re wanting in slightly better condition, or things like washers and dryers and fridges and furniture, you’re better off going with Facebook.

You have the ease of online shopping, where you don’t have to leave your couch to go shopping, but the added bonus of an op shop where you can go and pick it up and pay cash for the item… but you know you’re going with a purpose! Sometimes op shops will have been picked dry.

I thought I’d share my tips on making the most of Facebook buy, swap & sell groups.

1. If you’re selling things, take the best possible photos you can. The photo is what will initially attract the buyer, so you want it to be good. If it’s clothing, hang it neatly on a hanger and hang it off a hook if you can, otherwise lie it down flat but ensure you don’t have your shadow standing over it! Bright lighting and clear photos that show the necessary details of the item will be what helps your item sell. Dark and unclear photos will barely get a second glance. 

2. When selling an item, clean it before you take a photo. No one wants to buy a grotty, mud-crusted pair of shoes! No one wants to buy a top with a spaghetti stain down the front! They’re pretty extreme examples, but you get the picture. This is especially important if it’s something you’ve had stored away for a while, as it’s likely to be covered in dust.

3. Make sure your items are in good working order. If it’s an electrical item, ensure that it still works if you haven’t plugged it in for a while. If it’s clothing, make sure there aren’t any holes. If it’s baby related… check it and check it again for stains and broken bits!

4. Be respectful. Some of these groups are stricter than others, but it always pays to be respectful! Both to people you’re buying off and people you’re selling to. Don’t be a poo-head and jump ahead of someone who’s already offered to buy something, no matter how much you want/need it.

5. Be aware of the rules of each group you’re in. They will vary group to group and they are very important. Some groups have a ‘bump it or lose it’ policy where if you don’t bump your post every couple of days (comment on it so it comes to the top again) it’ll get deleted. Which really isn’t helpful to you anyway, so remember to bump your posts.

6. Keep your posts updated! Keep them updated with item details, clear and concise english and grammar, a price and where you’re located. Keep bumping your posts as often as allowed, and when an item is sold do everyone a huge favour and delete it! You’ll save yourself trouble too!

7. Know the lingo. I don’t know if America has different lingo, but it pays to know it. We’ve covered ‘bump’, but it’s also handy to know things like ‘NIL’ which means ‘next in line’ or ‘sold pp’ which means ‘sold pending pick-up’.

8. It’s worth offering $5 less for an item before agreeing on their price. Haggling. It’s common practice these days at garage sales and the like, and facebook is kind of like an online garage sale so don’t be scared to ask! You might get a no, but hey! You tried!

9. If your items aren’t selling, reduce the price. Enough said. Make sure you note that the prices have been reduced, as this tends to grab people’s attention.

10. Don’t buy what you don’t need!! This is a trap I fell into for the first few weeks. There were all these great options of things I didn’t even realise I wanted! Try not to get sucked in. These groups are great for getting things you need at a low price, but they’re also dangerous if you can’t control your clicking, haha!

Do you sell things on Facebook? Have any tips? Share them in the comments!

Below you’ll find the link up for this week! Don’t be shy, share the knowledge!

Follow me here (or here on Bloglovin’) and follow Nat at Home Sweet Kitchen Garden blog for more frugal finds!
Like Grace in the Little Things & Home Sweet Kitchen & Garden on Facebook for even MORE updates and handy tips!
Be kind and share the love and read some of the other great tips on how to save money and leave a comment on the blogs that you visit to let them know you were there!

Click the adorable little widget below to view other’s links and add your own!

Coming Soon – Wallet Watching Wednesdays Link-up!

Now try and say that five times fast 😉


As you may have noticed by my recent posts, I’m engaged! I currently live with my fiance and we’re renting a small 3 bedroom house that barely holds our stuff! 

I don’t work (currently receiving Centrelink due to studying and illness) so we just make do with what I receive and Anthony’s earnings. He works 5-6 (occasionally 7) days a week as a rendered and my goodness does he work hard. 

We have a lot of goals at the moment (sometimes that’s just making rent) like saving for our wedding, eventually buying a house, upgrading or at least fixing our cars… and to get there we need to live frugally and save money wherever possible! 

You may have noticed that’s a bit of a theme on this blog, so Home Sweet Kitchen Garden and I have decided to start a fortnightly link-up! 

With petrol prices, food prices and utility prices rising, as well as food becoming more and more processed and full of sugar, we figure we all need as much help as we can get to save some money! So next week when we launch, please feel free to share your best money saving tips! We’ll also share ours with you 🙂

Saving money from the kitchen to the garden, our wardrobe to our homes, link up during wallet watching Wedne$day. The next link up is on the 11/6/14 at 12 pm AEST.

Follow me here (or here on Bloglovin’) and follow Nat at Home Sweet Kitchen Garden blog for more frugal finds!
Like Grace in the Little Things & Home Sweet Kitchen & Garden on Facebook for even MORE updates and handy tips!
Be kind and share the love and read some of the other great tips on how to save money and leave a comment on the blogs that you visit to let them know you were there! 

I’m so excited to go on this journey with you guys! Can’t wait to see your tips. Catch you next Wednesday!